

There are several types of taxes that you pay to the government. The tax you pay is used, for example, for roads and dikes, health care, safety, social services and education. When you work, one of the taxes you pay is income tax. The more you earn, the more tax you pay. Your employer automatically withholds the income tax for you. If you are self-employed, you must arrange this yourself.

You must file a tax return once a year. The Tax and Customs Administration will then ask you to provide all information about your income digitally. If you have received a letter from the Tax and Customs Administration about the declaration, you must do this. They then calculate whether you have paid enough tax, or whether you may have to pay extra or receive a refund. You can get help with this from the Tax and Customs Administration, via 0800-0543. You can file a tax return by logging in to Mijn Belastingdienst with your DigiD. A DigiD is a digital login to arrange online government affairs. You can apply for a DigiD with a BSN (citizen service number) via

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