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Logistics Professional

Driver's license B, Driver's license BE, Driver's license C і Driver's license D

Sebastian is a down-to-earth, friendly and intelligent young logistics professional. He is in his early thirties and lives with his girlfriend (with whom he has been in a relationship for almost 10 years) in Rotterdam.

Background information Sebastian

Sebastian is originally Romanian but after obtaining his diploma in 'Administration Technician' at the Marine High School he moved to England, London to be exact. There were 2 big reasons for this: one was that part of his family already lived/resided here, so he had been there many times and this resulted in that he already knew the place and the country. Another big reason was that studies in England were better and cheaper than in Romania, that added up to Sebastian and his girlfriend emigrating to England at a fairly young age.

In London he obtained a bachelor's degree in business and management. During his studies he also worked self-employed in a logistics company, the reason for being self-employed was not that it made more money or anything like that, but more that he could then take on jobs/projects himself. This was because he did his studies at the same time. After a year of combining the self-employed life and his studies, he chose to set up a business and employ someone that way. This way he could take on more jobs from his previous employer(s) in the logistics world and still not have to work full-time alongside his studies.

Move to the Netherlands

When it was announced that the Brexit was going to happen he quickly started looking beyond England, another reason for this was that he found the level of racist comments remarkably high. When these things came together Sebastian and his girlfriend decided to emigrate to the Netherlands (partly because English is usually fluently spoken by society here): they ended up in Eindhoven. Here Sebastian immediately started a 'project-based' job for 3 months. During these 3 months, the homeowner raised the rent significantly and Sebastian looked further into nice, big cities. So he ended up in Rotterdam and started working here on a self-employed basis. Here he did various things in logistics, painting jobs and (preventive) maintenance jobs.

What is Sebastian searching for?
Sebastian is now looking for something permanent preferably within logistics. His ideal job would be either a half office/half 'outside' job or completely outside in the transportation sector. For example, as a driver BE or C. Besides this he really likes to take his responsibilities and arrange a lot of things.

Sebastian has many driving licenses, including AM, B, BE, C1, C, D1 and D. He also has his code 95, VCA VOL and his forklift certificate. Currently, Sebastian and his girlfriend are learning Dutch intensively at a school near them.

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